Restoring and Rehabilitating a Child
To properly restore and rehabilitate a child, a number of matters must first be taken into account for the “Whole Development of a Child”. A few of these include:
- Education
- Health
- Spiritual Orientation
- Good Clothing
- Nutrition
- Sense of being part of a family that forms spiritual and moral values such as: Loyalty, honesty, responsibility, solidarity, love, humility, peace and truth, justice, dignity and respect. In order to form these values as noted in #6, items 1-5 are needed.

To model to our rescued girls in Peru what a happy and healthy family is like. To provide for them love – in addition to the emotional, psychological, and physical security that they did not have before arriving to us. To provide for them a good education so that they can become agents of change for their society, culture, and world.
Most importantly: We serve to be an expression of God’s heart towards the children He gives us. His heart is expressed very well in Psalm 68, verses 5 and 6 – “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…”
We consider it a privilege to be used of Him to provide a family for the children and youth that He has placed into our hands.