Abuse, abandonment, mistreatment, and malnourishment are but a few words that describe many of the girls and female youth that we have received over the years. For many Peruvian children, family violence continues to increase in the marginal communities that ring the city of Arequipa, where our family home for highly at-risk girls is located.
An extremely heavy case load, both in the Peruvian court system and the Peruvian version of Child Protective Services has created an urgent need to shelter and care for even more children in our Andean city of Arequipa. We, at Restoring Children International, continue to strive to meet this demand.
In our family, we give our rescued girls what they did not have before: Security, love, personal attention, and teaching them a healthy values system that includes forgiveness, education, medical and dental attention, etc… And, above all, we carefully them about the great love of God that He has for each one of their lives. They are not accidents of creation.
Our girls need your help now!
While our Creator is their provider and their Papá, His plan is to use mankind, like you and me, to provide for needs of His daughters – those that He has given into our hands to care for and to raise.
Statistically, less than 5% of all charitable donations raised in the USA are destined to international concerns, such as the rescue, shelter, and restoration of our girls. This means that organizations, like ours, have some very real challenges that we face in trying to care for the vulnerable lives that their Creator has placed into our hands. Impossible task? With God, No. Never.
As you cooperate with Him, your financial gifts will go far in securing a positive future for these kids.
Will you consider helping to champion their cause?
Your gifts will go towards the following:
Food ▪ Water ▪ Clothing ▪ Government mandated Staffing (Psychologist, Social Worker, Substitute Mothers) in addition to a CPA, Administrative assistant, and even more… ▪ Medical / Dental / Eye Care ▪ Education ▪ Lights, Water, Internet for our children’s homework assignments and administrative needs ▪ Personal hygiene supplies ▪ Cleaning supplies ▪ School supplies ▪ Office expenses ▪ Fuel for our vehicles ▪ And much more!
Our girls are on the way to becoming productive members of their society. We have two that are now in college and others advancing through high school with plans for their futures. Additionally, we have one special needs youth that is being very well taken care of.
All this because of our Lord’s provision through people just like you!

You can help secure a safe and loving future for our girls!
Your financial gifts are deeply appreciated in order to secure the ongoing care and a positive future for our children. We are very frugal with our budget. We have no high-paid staff and a very low overhead. Additionally, we maintain no central office in the USA. This translates into not being burdened with expensive lease payments that consume donor funds. We do this, by design, in order to maximize your investment into the lives of our children as they are the future of their country and of our world.
Please consider standing with us as we work hard to provide a loving family home, security, and a positive values-based future for our children and teens.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
(Kevin Daviscourt)
We at Restoring Children International / Restoring Hope International Foundation want to give you a special thank you for considering our work among Peru’s socially at-risk children.
Above all, your prayers, moral support, or even a kind word of encouragement mean more to our staff and children than you will ever know. Thank you to all of you who have helped us in one way or another in the past!
Kevin Daviscourt – President